
Entomologe bringt Liebe für Insekten auf die Straße

Entomologe bringt Liebe für Insekten auf die Straße

Austin Jones, who is based in Fayetteville, is a passionate entomologist who aims to change people’s perceptions of insects and arthropods. He is the director of undergraduate education and the outreach coordinator for entomological activities at the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture’s Cooperative Extension Service. Over the past few months, he has been fundraising to complete his Ento-Roadshow, a mobile entomology classroom that focuses on science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM).

Jones believes that insects and arthropods are often overlooked despite being essential components of ecosystems. He emphasizes that these creatures are not just pests, pollinators, or annoyances, but they play crucial roles in society and are intriguing subjects for study and collection. In fact, insects make up two-thirds of all living organisms on earth, showcasing their diversity and significance. Jones aims to educate schools and youth organizations about the importance of insects and arthropods through his mobile classroom.

Growing up in Benton County, Jones always had an interest in insects, but it wasn’t until his senior year at the University of Arkansas that he truly became passionate about entomology. Under the mentorship of Dr. Max Meisch, Jones realized the complexities and beauty of insects, prompting him to pursue a master’s and Ph.D. in entomology. Now, he wants to share his love for insects with others, especially in rural communities.

Jones’s dream of a mobile outreach vehicle has become a reality with the creation of the Ento-Roadshow. This 16-foot cargo trailer is equipped with insect displays, equipment storage, media screens, and seating to engage and educate visitors about insects. Jones hopes to travel to all 75 counties in Arkansas to spread awareness about the importance of insects and arthropods, particularly in rural areas where his message may have a significant impact. His dedication and hard work have transformed his vision into a tangible resource for entomological education across the state.

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