
Please rewrite this title in German and exclude the domain name: Jeo Baby’s ‘The Great Indian Kitchen’ bags the ‘German Star of India’ award at 18th Indian Film Festival Stuttgart | Malayalam Movie News

Summarize this content in well-structured paragraphs in German language and keep HTML tags Director Jeo Baby’s socio-critical feature film ‘The Great Indian Kitchen’.

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Please rewrite this title in German and exclude the domain name: “Validation Of Effort To Create Impactful Cinema”

Summarize this content in well-structured paragraphs in German language and keep HTML tags ‘Lakadbaggha’ wins in Stuttgart: ‘Validation of effort to create impactful.

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Please rewrite this title in German and exclude the domain name: Stuttgart on Show: ITFS Feature Film Lineup, FMX Adds ‘Tom and Jerry’ Session

Summarize this content in well-structured paragraphs in German language and keep HTML tags The 28th Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film has outlined.

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Please rewrite this title in German and exclude the domain name: ITFS Previews 2024 Program, Animation Production Days Selects 51 Projects

Summarize this content in well-structured paragraphs in German language and keep HTML tags The 31st Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) will.

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Please rewrite this title in German and exclude the domain name: Swara Bhasker, Divya Dutta’s ‘Sheer Qorma’ heading to Indian Film Festival Stuttgart | Hindi Movie News

Summarize this content in well-structured paragraphs in German language and keep HTML tags Filmmaker Faraz Arif Ansari’s ‘Sheer Qorma’, a love story between.

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Please rewrite this title in German and exclude the domain name: ITFS Sets Final Program for 29th Stuttgart Animation Fest

Summarize this content in well-structured paragraphs in German language and keep HTML tags The program of the 29th Stuttgart International Festival of Animated.

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Please rewrite this title in German and exclude the domain name: ’27,’ ‘Sirocco’ Win Top Prizes at Successful 31st Stuttgart Animation Fest

Summarize this content in well-structured paragraphs in German language and keep HTML tags The 31st Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) wrapped.

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  1. Grand Prairie Kunstfestival nimmt jetzt Bewerbungen für den visuellen Kunstwettbewerb an

Der Grand Prairie Arts Council kündigt das 68. Grand Prairie Festival der Künste an und lädt Künstler ein, an seinem juristischen Visual Arts.

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Entenrufen-Wettbewerb Chick und Sophie Major erweitert Altersgrenze auf 16-20 Jahre für 50. Jubiläum beim Wings Over the Prairie Festival.

Die Chick and Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Contest hat ihren 2023 Champion Ross Atkinson aus Stuttgart gekürt. Das Paar Chick und Sophie.

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Dutzende bei Gewalt während des eritreischen Kulturfestivals in Deutschland verletzt.

Bei Unruhen im Zusammenhang mit einem eritreischen Kulturfestival in Deutschland wurden Dutzende Menschen verletzt, darunter mindestens 26 Polizeibeamte. Kurz bevor die Veranstaltung am.

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