
Dieselautos sind eine Hauptquelle von NO2-Emissionen in europäischen Städten, entgegen einer Online-Behauptung.

Dieselautos sind eine Hauptquelle von NO2-Emissionen in europäischen Städten, entgegen einer Online-Behauptung.

Road transport is responsible for nearly half of nitrous oxide emissions in European cities like Stuttgart, Germany. Scientific studies indicate that diesel-powered vehicles are the primary source of nitrous oxide emissions from road transport in Europe. While car traffic in Stuttgart decreased due to COVID-19, the claim that the drop in NO2 content has only been slight, suggesting that diesel cars are not the cause of city pollution, lacks scientific support. Studies have shown that road traffic, especially diesel cars, significantly contributes to NO2 emissions in urban environments.

Nitrous oxides, including nitrogen dioxide (NO2), are significant air pollutants produced by human activities such as fuel combustion, agriculture, and industrial processes. Studies have connected exposure to high levels of air pollutants containing NO2 to health issues like lung cancer. Despite fluctuations influenced by factors like season and weather, road traffic accounts for a substantial portion of nitrous oxide emissions in European cities, including Stuttgart. Diesel cars, in particular, have been identified as the primary source of NOx emissions from road traffic.

Research comparing real-world emissions from diesel, gasoline, and hybrid vehicles in European urban areas revealed that diesel cars produce significantly more NOx than gasoline cars. Diesel cars have been shown to emit 8-11 times more NOx in urban environments, leading to higher levels of pollution. Across various European cities, diesel cars have been identified as the main source of annual nitrous oxide emissions from road traffic. These findings contradict the claim that diesel cars are not polluting cities and underscore the importance of reducing emissions from diesel vehicles to improve urban air quality.

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