
Please rewrite this title in German and exclude the domain name: Eurowings Flight to Stuttgart Suffers Bird Strike in Budapest

Please rewrite this title in German and exclude the domain name: Eurowings Flight to Stuttgart Suffers Bird Strike in Budapest

Summarize this content in well-structured paragraphs in German language and keep HTML tags Earlier this week, a Eurowings flight to Stuttgart suffered a bird strike, forcing a return back to it’s origin airport of Budapest.Incident: Eurowings Flight to Stuttgart Suffers Bird Strike in Budapest…Data provided by [monsterinsights_popular_posts_inline]Eurowings flight EW2791 is a routine scheduled flight between Budapest and Stuttgart, with the affected rotation being operated by D-AGWV.As per data from, D-AGWV is a 11.0 year old Airbus A319-132 that started out life with Germanwings back in February 2013.In October 2017, the aircraft was handed over to the current Lufthansa subsidiary, where the aircraft has been since.Of the A319 variant, Eurowings has 29 of them in the fleet, of which 18 are in active service and 11 are parked, offering an average fleet age of 15.3 years. EW2791 departed Budapest at 0831 local time on January 30 and proceeded in a westbound direction towards Stuttgart.As per The Aviation Herald, a few minutes after departure, the aircraft received a bird strike into the right hand engine.It is understood that they hit a hawk, and stopped their climb at FL120 and proceeded to return back to the Hungarian airport.Eurowings flight EW2791, originally bound for Stuttgart, successfully returned back to Budapest, landing at 0904 local time, just over 30 minutes after departure.Data from Planespotters shows that D-AGWV has been stored at the Hungarian airport following the incident. Click the banner to subscribe to our weekly Emergencies and Incidents newsletter.Click the photo to join our WhatsApp channel so then you can stay up to date with everything going on in the aviation industry!

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