
Please rewrite this title in German and exclude the domain name: Local businesses hit by SHS t-shirt sponsorship scam

Please rewrite this title in German and exclude the domain name: Local businesses hit by SHS t-shirt sponsorship scam

Summarize this content in well-structured paragraphs in German language and keep HTML tags Local businesses should be wary of companies soliciting ads and sponsorships that claim to be in partnership with Stuttgart High School (SHS).A Texas-based company has been trying to sell ads to businesses that they say will be printed on t-shirts, to be provided free at SHS events.Josh Price, SHS Athletic Director, said that he’s aware of the company and that they are definitely running a “scam.”“That is not us. It’s a company out of Texas, they did it two years ago.”Price says there are already locally sponsored t-shirts for the Ricebirds and that the school has no affiliation with the company that is calling local businesses.Businesses who report having been contacted say that they are now receiving multiple phone calls per day from the company.As happens every fall, similar scams are being reported across the country.If your business is approached by an unfamiliar company selling ads and sponsorships for SHS, contact the school office at 870-673-3561 to find out if the sponsorship is legitimate.If your business has paid for a sponsorship that turns out to be fake, report it to the Attorney General’s office at 800-482-8982 or

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